22nd March and we are still in Stanley. I have been working on the farm accounts and this afternoon we went and bought our groceries for Speedwell. I am unorganised as usual with a partial shopping list for Speedwell but no list for George at all. It no longer bothers me if I run out of anything unless it is salt which I just can't live without.
Also got offered a job today. I had decided that I was not going to come to Stanley and work for the winter this year but I do like the kerching of pennies going into my bank account. The job is only for 3 months from the beginning of May until the end of July. This is very tempting because we will have finished all the sheep work on the islands but it would still give me time to do some decorating in the George and Speedwell houses before I came in. I would also have August/September to work on the houses before the sheep work starts in earnest next season. Tempted, very tempted. The job this year would be with FIC the same company that I have worked for in the winter for the last 4 years or so. My job this winter would include putting newly received stock onto the computer, opening new stock, some stock taking and I guess general office duties. At the moment I am waiting to hear back about the wage and I will then make a decision on whether to take the job or not.
23rd March and still in Stanley. Still not doing anything in particular. Christopher has been a bit busier. A brake pipe went on my Mitsubishi so he changed that this morning so that I could take my mother out this afternoon. He also changed the headlights on the Strada. The reflectors were all rusty and they were just not putting enough light out. The Strada is not really used in Stanley but with the days now getting shorter we are either leaving Stanley in the dark or arriving in Stanley in the dark so something had to be done about them. All the groceries are now packed up and the rucksacks are ready so we will be out of here early tomorrow.
Left Stanley at 7am and arrived on Speedwell at midday. A crappy sort of day no wind but horribly drizzly and damp. We both took the rest of the day off.
Gentoo Penguins with chicks and King Cormorants with chicks |
The sea crate. |
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Christopher demonstrating the swinging fence in the sea crate. |
Today Christopher has spent the day pressing. All the fleece wool is about finished but there are still bellies, neck, stain and pieces to be pressed up. We are running into a bit of a problem at the moment as the Concordia Bay is due up here to clear all the wool from Speedwell, George and Barren on the 3rd April. This is proving a bit of a headache because the squid season has been exceptional and Shaun has now been stevedoring for over three weeks and there is no sign of him coming back out yet. We can work George and Barren on the same day but we cannot beat the Concordia Bay up here to work here as well. I can't stay here and roll the bales out as they are all 200 kilos plus. There is just far too many for me to roll from the bale shed and down onto the jetty. Not only do we have to sort this problem out but Concordia Bay then comes back on the 7th to clear all the rest of the animals for this season to the abattoir from both Speedwell and George Island. What a headache. We are loath to ask Shaun to come out because he makes very good money when he is stevedoring. This afternoon we went down to the sea crate between the Sand Grass and Twin Ponds to check if the fancy new swinging fence was still standing. It must be about a month since we put it in and we have had some really rough weather. It is still there and looking good at the moment.
Finally for today. Prince William has been and gone. It was great having the prince in the Falklands. Although he didn't do any official appearances a lot of people did get to meet him. He visited the shops and even had an evening out in the pubs in Stanley.